Sunday, 3 April 2011

1320 - VTech Vsmile TV Learning Systems [Orange]

[click image to enlarge]
VTech Vsmile TV Learning Systems [Orange]
Set include:
1. VSmile Orange Console (original style)
2. One Joystick Controller
3. THREE (3) game cartridges:
- Scooby Doo
- Batman
- Winnie the Pooh
Get yourself the bargain of this set. Usual price in the shop is RM389.00 for Vsmile Console, one joystick and just one Game. Each additional game will cost RM98.00. Total for the above item in the shop is RM585.00. But in SKC, you can get it for just RM200.00 :-)
Good Condition and in Perfect Working Order Warranty: Please inform me if there is any problem within 2 weeks after received the item. I'll either replace, refund, or give special discount if there is any problem! See my T&C

Condition: Used - Rating 7.5/10
Price: RM200.00 [FREE Postage using Parcel by Pos Malaysia]
Status: Available


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